Talia Magleby

professional photographer


Hi there!

I’m Talia…The goofy grin behind the camera.

Growing up I was THAT person walking around with a digital camera permanently attached to her hand. Whether I was at a family event, hanging out with my friends, or taking a trip to see the sights I just HAD TO TAKE PICTURES OF IT.

It was the one way I could keep those moments permanently written on my heart and in my mind.

And ever since my daughters were born, that’s when I decided to pick up my 6 year old DSLR camera and really make those memories count. Memories I never want to forget.

So when you book a session with me it’s my job to preserve those special moments for you and your family. All you have to do is show up and let yourselves shine through and I’ll do the rest!

Find me at @taliamaephotography on Instagram for my latest photography journey.